“Preserving the environment is a lesson for everyone, future generations will thank this idea.” (Carlos Alberto da Silveira)

Our Story

After the long weekend of September 7, 2008, the Itapuama beach was littered with solid waste. Faced with this sad situation, a group of ordinary citizens who live along the shore decided to roll up their sleeves, not only to collect the dirt from others, but mainly to prevent the effects of another long weekend from being as damaging to the beach as that one.

Thus began the struggle of the craftsman and surfer Estevão Santos da Paixão and friends. On October 12, 2008 the ONDA LIMPA Project was created for future generations.

The pillars


To be recognized by the civil society as a non-profit institution that defends, protects, and preserves the environment, promotes conscious and reflective social welfare, supports and strengthens the community.


Through awareness and local intervention actions, we capacitate the new generations so that in the short, medium, and long term they will assume ecologically correct and conscious postures, observing the continuous maintenance and preservation of nature.


Realizar todos os objetivos de forma ética, íntegra e permanente, comprometidos com a natureza e a comunidade.

Our Team

Estevão Santos presidente de onda limpa

Estevão Santos - President

Genilson Caetano vice presidente onda limpa

Genilson Caetano - Vice President

Mascote Onda Limpa
Evelly Nascimento comunicação Onda limpa

Evelly Nascimento - Communication

Suelda Santos secretaria do Onda Limpa

Suelda Santos - Secretary

Felipe Brayner Biologo de Onda Limpa

Felipe Brayner - Biologist

Project "Onda Limpa for future generations"

The socio-environmental project “ONDA LIMPA Para Gerações Futuras” aims to protect and improve the environment, acting more specifically on the beaches of the municipality of Cabo de Santo Agostinho / PE. The project, located on the beach of Itapuama / PE, seeks environmental preservation through awareness and local intervention actions, collaborating in a protagonist way with the reduction of waste production through the awareness of traders and residents for selective collection and annual actions:

Estevão coleta seletiva

Selective Collection

The Onda Limpa project was conceived to promote environmental awareness. For this, we need your collaboration. Be part of this story and help keep our beach clean.


We carry out, with the help of our Biologist and Volunteer, the monitoring and follow-up of the arrival of the turtles for laying until the day the hatchlings are released on the beaches of our coast.

Projetos sociais onda limpa

Social projects

In addition to the concern and care for the environment, we are also attentive to the needs of our community.
Therefore, we carry out solidarity and entertainment actions strengthening collectivity among the population.

Cursos e oficinas oferecido pelo Onda Limpa

Courses and workshops

We organize courses and workshops related to environmental themes. Learn what and how to request these activities.


We seek the best ways to raise awareness in our community. Bringing reality and information in a healthy way, believing that the act of raising awareness also transforms.

Caminha ecologica

Ecological Walk

We periodically carry out ecological walks on our beaches, collecting the waste found along the shore. The walks are only possible thanks to the help of volunteers. Join us in our actions, let's go together!

Your participation is important to us!

How to help ?

Sponsors & Institutional support

If everyone does their part, our planet will be cleaner and cleaner...
We hope and need your participation !